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Am I being selfish? That’s what keeps going through my mind. To put him through all this and the surgeon says I’ll get another year out of him. He’s so healthy now besides the leg issue I can not picture not doing everything I can for him. After reading alot of posts on here I see a lot of people feel the same as me . Lost, heartbroken, and confused and saying people they know don’t understand . I understand ,I get it. I’m in the beginning stages of this battle and it’s deflating. I don’t know what the future holds for my guy but I want to do everything that I can for him. We’re still waiting on biopsy results .theirs still a glimmer of hope this might be an infection but either way the leg has to go. I’m just telling my self that it is the osteosarcoma so I’m not disappointed when results do come in. 12 days till amputation

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Hello new to blogging here so forgive me . I needed to go somewhere where people understand what I’m going through. I have a 5 year old Great Dane St. Bernard mix who we are waiting on biopsy results of osteosarcoma in his left front leg. Devestating as most of you know. How? Why? What does this mean for my favorite guy? Leg amputation? No way . Yes way . How did we get to this ? We’ll let me tell you about my favorite guy and how we got here .
Dozer is 140 pounds of sensitive ,silly, protective, mommas boy to his core. When I tell you this guy has to be with me all the time or know where I am I’m not kidding . People laugh when they see the look of panic on dozers face when he loses track of where I went when he gets side tracked . Dozer LOVES swimming and drinking from the hose( what a mess ) . But most importantly he loves going for long walks with his poppy ( my dad) and his two dogs . Which brings me to osteosarcoma .
A year and half ago dozer went walking with poppy and was being a dog and running and got his left front leg stuck in a hole and tore his tendons so all that was really holding his leg to his foot was his joint ( ouch). Which led to a surgery to put a 13 inch plate in said leg to hold everything together . So for 6 weeks me and my mother in law went to the vet so poor doze could get his bandages and cast changed out weekly . But by the end my buddy was back to normal and  could run and do all the things he loved to do ,until three weeks ago when I noticed the area getting swollen . Did he tweak it ? Maybe ? Was I worried yes. So off we went to the emergency vet for a X-ray to sit around for 8 hours to be seen. Man did I want to leave but I thought hey this is my child he needs me . So when X-rays were taken and the doctor returns and tells me it looks like osteosarcoma my reaction ? What the heck is that? when she tells me my first thought is .. what the hell is wrong with this lady ?? It’s deff not cancer ?! How could it be he must have just tweaked the plate right ??  Amputation ???  My world is rocked . Devastating . Less then two years they tell me . All this news in one night really gets to ya . You tell people what’s  going on and they feel bad for you but they don’t really understand what you’re going through  . I want to use this page as an outlet for me and maybe someone will read this and not feel so alone and will help them . So I’m going to try and write on here as dozer and I continue this journey . He’s set for amputation on July 11 so here we go

dozers journey is brought to you by Tripawds.